Funded Research Projects

NSF logoAdaptive Second-Use Battery Utilization with Different Degradation Levels for EV Charging Stations and Power Grid Support and Resiliency,” Sponsored by Department of Energy, $8,000,000. Federal support: $4,000,000, Cost Share: $4,000,000. (co-PI)

NSF logoPFI-RP: Development of Novel Inverter Technologies and Prototypes for Enhanced Power Generation from Renewable Energy Resources,” Award # 2141067, $6050,000, 04/1/2022 – 03/31/2025. (PI)

NSF logoIUCRC Phase II University of Alabama: Center for Efficient Vehicles and Sustainable Transportation Systems (EVSTS),” Award # 2137275, $500,000, 03/15/2022 – 02/28/2027​ (co-PI)

NSF logoI-Corps: Approximate Dynamic Programming and Artificial Neural Network Control for Microgrids, Principle Investigator (PI)

NSF logoToward Commercialization: Development of Neural Network Control and Power Converter Prototype for Renewables and Smart Grid Integration, Principle Investigator (PI)

NSF logoEDU: Collaborative: When Cyber Security Meets Physical World: A Multimedia-based Virtual Classroom for Cyber-Physical Systems Security Education to Serve City/Rural Colleges, Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI)

NSF logo​Wind Power: Neural Network Control, Multidisciplinary Integration, and Advanced Simulation, Principle Investigator (PI)

NSF logoModern Computing Infrastructure for Research and Education of Future Smart and Renewable Energy Systems, Principle Investigator (PI)

Alabama Power logoA Study of Capacitor Bank Acoustic Emission Properties, Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI)

Alabama Power logoAudible Capacitor Noise Mitigation in the Presence of Non-Sinusoidal Excitation, Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI)

NSF logoDeveloping a High Performance Computing Center Through Acquisition of a 128 Node PC Cluster for Cross-disciplinary Research and Education, Principle Investigator(PI)

State of Texas logoExpansion of EE Program at TAMUK with Curriculum Reformation, Scholarships and Tutoring, Principle Investigator (PI)

Logo of Texas A&M University-Kingsville Developing Simulation and Analytical Tools for Integrated Wind Energy Conversion and Utility Systems, Principle Investigator (PI)

ORISE logoDevelopment and Testing of Parallel Codes for Microstructure Evolution in Materials, Principle Investigator (PI)

Logo of Oak Ridge National LaboratoryResearch consultant: Comprehensive Fusion Simulation – Component-Based Software Engineering and Evolutionary Time Advancement, Principle Research consultant

NSF logoCourse Restructuring and Laboratories Development on Power Electronics and Electric Drives at TAMUK, Principle Investigator (PI)

National Instruments logoDeveloping Digital Measurement Laboratory in Circuits and Electronics Lab at TAMUK using National Instruments LabView and NI ELVIS, Principle Investigator(PI)

Logo of U.S. Army Corps of EngineersFEMWater Data management – Scientific Visualization and Data Management Activities, Co-Principle Investigator (Co-PI)