SLUMBRx Study On-Boarding
Once you have enrolled in SLUMBRx, please wait for communication from Dr. Knowlden or a member of the SLUMBRx team. He will contact you either via email or phone, using the contact information you provided when you enrolled. Once you have spoken with Dr. Knowlden, please complete the following tasks:
- Download the FitBit App on your smartphone from Google Play or the App Store before your visit.
- Ensure your phone is fully charged when you visit the Exercise Science Lab, or you are likely to experience difficulties setting up your FitBit.
- You can use your personal FitBit for SLUMBRx. However, it must be a model that records sleep.
- Please “accept” all permissions required by the App (e.g., location, Bluetooth).
- If you experience any issues with your FitBit over the duration of the SLUMBRx study, please contact FitBit 24/7 customer support: 1-877-623-4997.

- Download the WatchPAT ONE App on your smartphone from Google Play or the App Store before your visit. The WatchPAT ONE is the name of the overnight home sleep test you will complete as part of the SLUMBRx study.
- Please “accept” all permissions required by the App (e.g., location, Bluetooth).
- If you experience any issues with your WatchPAT One, Overnight Home Sleep Test over the duration of the SLUMBRx study, please contact MedBridge 24/7 customer support at: 1-877-249-8331.
- The SLUMBRx study used a Web-based app called HypKnowledge to track your sleep over the duration of the study. We will set up a free HypKnowledge account for you once you start the SLUMBRx study. In the meantime, we recommend you bookmark the Web-based App on your PC, laptop, or tablet. Once your account is set up, you will use your e-mail and your SLUMBRx password to access HypKnowledge.
- Please note, the phone app for HypKnowledge is not fully developed. Please access via the Web, instead of through the phone app.
- Please note, the phone app for HypKnowledge is not fully developed. Please access via the Web, instead of through the phone app.
- We recommend creating a shortcut to the SLUMBRx Study Daily Task List for quick access to all study activities from your smartphone.
For step-by-step directions on using the FitBit and HypKnowledge Web App for SLUMBRx, please download the user guide found within the document below:
Prepare for your Visit to the Exercise Science Lab
- Arrive Fasted. Please do not eat on the day of your visit.
- Avoid Caffeine 12 hours prior to your visit and Tobacco 2 hours prior to your visit.
- Avoid New Forms of Strenuous Exercise and Alcohol 24 hours before your visit.
- Sip Water. Please do sip water on the day of your visit. Being well hydrated is necessary for the BODPOD. However, please only drink water and no other types of beverages.
- Bring a List of Any Medications.
- Privacy. The BODPOD machine is in a private room where you will be able to change your clothing.
- Please note, we will attempt to gender-match you for the body composition portion of this study; however, this is not always possible. If you are a male and feel uncomfortable removing your shirt while a female researcher takes your body measurements, or you are female and feel uncomfortable with a male researcher taking your measurements, you may wish to re-consider participating in this study. Please note, our research team are trained professionals and take several measures to ensure you are comfortable while we collect your information. There will always be two researchers present when we collect your body measurements.
- Wear or bring loose-fitting shorts and a loose-fitting, short-sleeved shirt. One of the devices for SLUMBRx must be affixed to your upper thigh, so please bring or wear shorts so a team member can help you affix the device to your upper thigh. As well, we will take your blood pressure using a cuff on your upper arm so please bring or wear a loose-fitting, short-sleeved t-shirt.
- We will provide the necessary cap for use in the BODPOD.
During the BODPOD, men must wear:
- Form-fitting single layer/tight-fitting Lycra ©/spandex swimsuit like Speedo ©, OR
- Compression bike-style shorts (with NO padding) similar to Under Armour © type shorts.
During the BODPOD, women must wear:
- Form-fitting single layer swimsuit in either one or two-piece. Must be of Lycra ©/Spandex © style similar to Speedo ©, OR
- Compression bike-style shorts (with NO padding) or volleyball-style shorts and sports bra with no padding or wires.

Exercise Science Research Lab Location & Parking
The first part of SLUMBRx will take place at the Exercise Science Laboratory, which is on the 2nd floor of Wade Hall.
Exercise Science Laboratory Physical Address:
The University of Alabama
Wade Hall
620 Judy Bonner Dr.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
GPS MAP TO WADE HALL:!dir/?m/324785?s/
Please park in the designated parking spot reserved specifically for study participants. Reserved parking spots for SLUMBRx are located directly next to the handicapped parking spots. Designated parking is highlighted in yellow on the picture of the Wade Hall parking lot located on this webpage.
After parking, please meet Dr. Knowlden near the entrance of Wade Hall that faces Judy Bonner Dr. This entrance is highlighted in yellow in the picture of Wade Hall. When you arrive, a member of the SLUMBRx team will provide you with a parking pass. Please place the parking pass on your vehicle dashboard during your visit.
The GPS Map links above will take you to UA Maps. From the link, you can select to either enter your starting address or allow UA Maps to use your current location to provide GPS directions.